Why to fake it?

Nothing beats the confidence boosting glow of a fresh self tan. It not only makes you look healthier but in actual fact more celebrities are turning to self tanning products.
1. First and foremost sun exposure is by far the main reason we all need to fake the bake. Pre mature ageing that leaves signs of wrinkles and fatigue is not a good look.
Age spots and skin cancer are the main cause for concern. A sunless tan can actually give you added benefits without the harmful effects of the sun or tanning beds. Majority of skin cancers are linked to sun exposure. Melanoma, a very aggressive form of skin cancer is one of Australia's leading causes of cancer deaths in young people, destroying thousands of lives each year.
2. A bronzed tan tricks the eye into believing you look slimmer and more toned. Take bodybuilders for example prior to competition. they lather themselves in fake tan to get their darkest appearance.
3. Added benefits & Skin improvements - Many luxury tanning brands like Mother of Tan are formulated with a variety of nourishing ingredients to add in ways to Increase a self tans longevity and to help the skin feel plump and remain hydrated. The best tanning products will have moisturisers, antioxidants and vitamins.
4. Easy Use- No appointments required, application done in the comfort of you own home.
5. No Harsh odours- Gone the days of chemical smelling fake tans. Formulas have improved in recent years and more organic ingredients are being substituted. Newer formulations are also being created to avoid the disastrous Orange tones.
Not all brands use good ingredients. The beauty industry lacks regulation, it is up to us the consumer to recognise the far to common toxins in skincare.
Many ingredients that are not good for us and are often hidden amongst a brands long list of ingredients found at the back of the bottle.
It is important to look for tans that possess natural ingredients and are non- toxic. In saying that tho many companies claim they are natural based/ organic but very few are actually "clean", high performance or deliver the best results.